
Our Baby Is Swimming Around!

Phew! What a huge relief. Everything looks great so far with our little Baby. I’m sorry to scare you yesterday. The whole scenario felt all too familiar: Go to the midwife at 11 weeks. Don’t hear a heartbeat.
Last time that happened, I was hopeful that it was just too early. And then the miscarriage happened. 
This time, it wasn’t so easy to stay optimistic. I turned off the comments yesterday because they get e-mailed to me, and I couldn’t bear being reminded (even nicely!) while I was at work. As it was, I had to fight the tears a few times.
I was flooded with surprise when the ultrasound came on and I could see our tiny baby swimming around–little hands and feet and everything. So far, so good. Henry was very confused about seeing the baby on the screen but also trying to reconcile that with the fact that the baby is in my uterus. He kept looking back and forth between the two.


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