
Beach Vacation!

Oh, I’m so excited! We are going on a real vacation! 
Matt and I used to go on all sorts of real vacations. For our honeymoon, we trekked to Paris and then the Greek Isles (for a boat tour from island to island!), and have taken road trips up the California coast to Canada. Before Matt, I went on trips to Guatemala and Ecuador and Costa Rica and India. 
Our recent budget restrictions have nearly ended our fun vacations (although we have visited family and gone to weddings). 
That’s why I’m particularly excited about our upcoming beach vacation to Galveston. Matt has a connection to a free condo for three nights (right on the beach!). And we get to bring Hoss, which means our only expenses will be gas for the four-hour drive and eating dinner out (we can cook breakfast and lunch on site). I seriously could not be more excited about this chance to get away. Plus, Henry loves the ocean. 
My main intentions for this vacation are to relax and connect with my family. My big charter application deadline will have come and gone, and I’ll be in the middle of several months of enjoying our time together as a family of three humans before the baby makes his grand entrance at the end of June (or beginning of July if he’s anywhere near 13 days late like Henry was). I want to spend my days:
  1. Playing with Henry and Matt in the ocean.
  2. Playing with Henry and Matt in the pool.
  3. Building sandcastles and digging with Henry and Matt. 
  4. Sitting in the shade and reading fiction books. 
  5. Napping.
  6. Taking long walks on the beach for exercise.
  7. Watching home improvement shows on HGTV.
I spent about two minutes dreaming about making a beach tent (inspired by the one I saw featured on Lovely Morning) and even found a tutorial at Lowe’s. Then I came to my senses and realized that I should just borrow a shade structure from a friend because we do not need one very often. We can also try to borrow beach chairs and even beach toys, since our trips to the beach are basically non-existent (as is the storage space in our new house). 
I’ll definitely need to return to my list of books to read this year and stock up for the trip. As a side note, I’m reading From Here to April right now, and it is so, so good!
I feel so rejuvenated and excited when I think about this trip, and it’s a good reminder that I need to keep my needs in mind as I plan out how to spend my days, weeks, months, and years. The lack of vacations has been less about the introduction of Motherhood into my life and more about our budget restrictions.

REMINDER: The next Purposeful Conception
: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life
for Pregnancy starts March 3. Register
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One Comment

  • Safronia B

    Hey, just a thought having been to a fair number of beach condos myself: there may be umbrellas and chairs there already. Maybe Matt can ask, since he got the free condo hookup?

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