
‘Tis the Season!

Ah, ’tis the season of holidays! With a new baby around, I forgot that I like to start thinking about Halloween in the summer, so I have plenty of time to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas before they sneak up on me. 
Halloween seems pretty under control. I talked to the two other families I have met in the neighborhood, and they were excited about the idea of a block party Halloween bash. They are going to invite some folks, and I found two other families off the neighborhood list-serv to invite. We’ll just set up a folding table in the cul-de-sac for pizza. I purchased these glow stick bracelets to pass out; I figured they would increase our visibility while trick-or-treating and be super-fun!   
What else makes a fun cul-de-sac party for a bunch of toddlers? Sidewalk chalk? Bubbles? Done and done. 
We still need to make Tate’s strongman costume and finish painting Matt’s popcorn costume. I need to borrow a couple things for my clown costume. 
Now onto Thanksgiving…
We usually travel to our friends’ house in Houston, but with two young ones in tow, that idea is less appetizing. Plus, I think we’re excited to host at our house now that we have a big table and a deck. I think a day of cooking with friends and then dinner outside sounds positively delightful. I wonder what’s the best way to organize an invitation since we’ll want to collect quite a bit of information (such as whether they want to come early and cook at our house or just show up for dinner)? Perhaps just an Evite with a link to a Google doc Excel sheet that lists what we need? That way, everyone can see everyone else’s responses and respond accordingly. 
It seems like we’ll want to set food out throughout the day–but easy food so we don’t get overwhelmed with preparing food while we prepare food. Maybe just monkey bread for the morning time and crockpot chili for lunch? With hummus and pita chips + fruit for a snack? 
Ooh, I think I want to make these clay wishbones for an after dinner surprise! 
As far as Christmas goes, I already booked our tickets to Florida to see my family for part of the holiday, and then Matt’s family is coming to Austin for the other part. We’ll just need to figure out presents for everyone. We’ll need to get those ordered and wrapped ASAP to reduce the stress. 
Oh, and there’s Matt’s birthday in there! I think he already has an idea about what he wants to do for his party, so I’ll just work with him to plan it. I already ordered and received his present. 
Phew! I feel so much better spending a few minutes to get some ideas out. Thanks for listening! 


  • Sara

    We just used Paperless Post to send out invites to our housewarming party – so easy, and the site tracks RSVPs for you! Couldn't recommend it higher 🙂

  • E.

    For your first year of hosting Thanksgiving, I recommend not trying to accommodate everybody. Talk to a couple of close friends you know will be able to come by, and then schedule the day in a way that works best for you, and invite other people over for appetizers or for dessert, so if they have a family obligation they do not feel like they are committing to two full meals. Thanksgiving isn't usually a big party type holiday, so you don't have to do an evite if individual emails might work.

  • Bio Major

    I have been reading your blog since forever it feels like! I think right after you got married. You are one of my favorite bloggers ever. Just wanted to tell you that! I think you're such a great mom and neighbor that I wish you lived in my cul de sac!

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