
New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope this Monday morning finds you well. It feels so great to be publishing posts again. Thanks for existing out there.

I read something in passing that only 8% of New Year’s resolutions are kept so why bother?   

For me, it’s empowering and comforting to commit to do something, make a plan for getting it done, and then to put one foot in front of the other to make it happen. I definitely don’t follow through with everything I say I’m going to do (like my Master Plan for Moving which resulted in Matt throwing everything in boxes until 4am the day before we moved while I breastfed newborn Tate through the night). But when I do envision something and make it happen it’s one more way to strengthen my courage muscle and build my trust in myself.   

So what do I want to make happen for myself this year?

I want to strengthen my habits of health and wellness: 

  • run at least three times a week and go to yoga once 
  • drink at least 80 ounces of water a day 
  • add new meals to our weekly rotation 

I want to continue to put down roots and connect with those around me: 

  • attend church potlucks 
  • sign up to support people by delivering meals, etc. 
  • regularly invite people over 
  • send birthday cards 
  • completely organize our house 
  • finish our front- and backyard landscaping 
  • do acts of service with Henry 
  • start a garden 

I want to create the kind of school I want to send my own children to.

I threw an impromptu Reflection & Rejuvenation party on New Year’s Eve day and two lovely friends came over. I printed out three different reflection forms for them to choose from. We reflected and chatted. After they left, I continued to refine my goals and created a visual representation of the kind of year I want to have. I pasted the collage inside my new notebook, so that I’ll see it frequently.

None of my resolutions are particularly daunting or difficult. The main thing I need to do is a) make time every month to set my goals for the month. I did this regularly for half of last year, and once I gave birth to Tate everything flew out the window!

Once I set my goals for the month (that connect directly to my goals for the year), I need to record them in a place that I frequent regularly. A couple places come to mind: my electronic action plan (I’m loathe to use it because I kind of want to keep the personal separate from the professional), the giant whiteboard we’re putting on the wall in our kitchen, in my new yellow notebook. Honestly, I think I need to put them in my electronic action plan because I use it all the time.

So what do I want to accomplish in January?

  • Plan Henry’s birthday party
  • Plan my birthday party
  • Set up a housecleaner
  • Get a robotic vacuum
  • Join the YMCA
  • Get security system installed
  • Request addresses and birthdays from dear friends
  • Get whiteboard hung
  • Plan dinner party with Diana
  • run at least 12 times and go to yoga or Pilates at least four times 
  • drink at least 80 ounces of water a day 
  • add at least one new meal to our weekly rotation

I’m excited for the month and year ahead! 


  • andee

    I'm excited about the new year too! My main goal is to waste less resources. I include time, money, water, food, etc under "resources". I feel like I've become kind of lazy and unfocused in 2013, by focusing on using what I do have effectively I hope change that!

  • Jennie

    Just a word of caution about iRobots – they can break easily! We had one (and loved it!) but I dropped it less than 2 inches onto the floor and thus, our iRobot days are over. You seem like you would be a pretty mindful person, but I just wanted to put that out there. Maybe just don't let Hoss play with it? 😉

  • Andrea

    thanks for your reflections on new year plans. Mine have been rattling around in my head but you have inspired me to write them down. The ideas of headings and monthly plans make a lot of sense. I think mine might be pretty similar to your goals this year! (All be it on the other side of the world!)

  • Andrea

    thanks for your reflections on new year plans. Mine have been rattling around in my head but you have inspired me to write them down. The ideas of headings and monthly plans make a lot of sense. I think mine might be pretty similar to your goals this year! (All be it on the other side of the world!)

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