
Job Openings

The other day, I e-mailed a longtime blog friend to see if she had any leads on potential staff members for the school I’m working to start, and she mentioned that she and her partner might be interested once they finish their graduate school programs. It gave me the idea to put the request out there to all of you! Perhaps Magnolia Montessori For All is “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet” or you might know of someone else who might be interested! 
Do you believe that schools should educate the whole child? Do you want to support learning that is hands-on, differentiated, and student-led? Do you believe that how we educate children today determines what kind of world we live in tomorrow? Do you think we can cultivate children academically, intellectually, socially, emotionally, creatively, ethically, and physically–all while ensuring stellar results on standardized tests? Even in diverse, low-income communities? 
Join the founding team of Montessori For All as we collaborate to build an innovative pre-K3 through 8th grade model and prove what’s possible. We are seeking to blend the best of what’s happening in high-performing charter schools for economically-disadvantaged children with the best of progressive approaches to pedagogy that focus on educating the whole child for success in college, the 21st-century, and life as leaders in their families and communities. Our model incorporates personalized learning, hands-on materials, student-led projects, multi-age classrooms, and dual-language development.
We are currently recruiting their founding staff and offering a unique opportunity to participate in this innovative vision as we open our flagship school and then grow into a national charter management organization. Alex Hernandez of the Charter School Growth fund named it one of two schools to watch in 2014, schools that are doing some of “the most interesting, complicated and messiest work going on in K-12 right now.” He called it “education R&D for the next century.”
We are looking for talented people who have a particular passion for a more individualized, holistic, sustainable approach to teaching and learning. In particular, we are looking for:
  • Director of Student Affairs & Services: This position is essentially an AP position–great for someone who wants to be on the principal track and is really strong with classroom management, culture-building, connecting with families, and coaching teachers. Bilingual in Spanish/English, preferred (although all candidates will be considered).
  • Director of SPED & Intervention: We are looking for a SPED guru who is passionate about working with students with special needs and also has the skills and strategies necessary to set up and manage the entire SPED program. 
  • Lead Teachers: We are looking for amazing teachers who are more interested in being a “guide on the side” as opposed to a “sage on the stage.” The school is willing to pay for individuals to undergo their Montessori certification the summer before school starts.
  • Associate Teachers: This hands-on fellowship is a great opportunity for someone who is looking to become a teacher but needs more experience. The fellowship involves working alongside a lead teacher while undergoing professional development and a gradual acquisition of responsibilities. 
For more detailed job descriptions, visit: http://magnolia.montessoriforall.org/about-us/staff/.

Or contact Founder & Principal Sara Cotner at saracotner@montessoriforall.org for more information.


  • Jillian Alcaro

    Don't forget your ELL teacher! Schools always seem to forget us and then have to scramble to get one last minute in order to provide the mandated services. I am firmly in Philadelphia, otherwise this seems like just they type of school I would like to teach in.

  • mm

    If you are looking for places to recruit, I'd suggest posting at colleges– particularly those with education programs and a social change agenda. I'm a Swarthmore College alum and I KNOW there would be both seniors and alumni interested in this opportunity.

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