
Travel List

Our family has traveled twice in the past three weeks: once to Houston for my birthday weekend and again to Houston for a spontaneous trip to the AMI Montessori Refresher Course (with a side trip to San Antonio to work on Redbud Montessori For All for 2016).
On the first trip, we forgot to bring Tate’s rice cereal. On the second trip, we forgot Henry’s underwear. 
The frustrating part was that we could’ve avoided both of those issues (and made the entire packing process less stressful and more efficient) simply by making a list (and using the same list as a starting point for every trip). 
I’m fine making mistakes, but I don’t like to make them over and over again simply because I haven’t set aside time to fix them. So now is the time. Here is my general list:
  • Sara’s clothes (including undergarments)
  • Matt’s clothes (including undergarments)
  • Tate’s clothes 
  • Tate’s socks
  • Henry’s clothes
  • Henry’s underwear
  • Henry’s nighttime diaper
  • Tate’s diapers
  • Tate’s wipes
  • Rice cereal
  • Phone charger
  • Computer charger
  • Toiletries (comb, soap, toothbrushes, floss, razor, nursing pads)
  • Henry’s toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Tate’s bed and blanket
Thanks for bearing with me through this boring post! 


  • Carrie

    I get even more detailed than that, like including the specific clothing items and quantities and what goes in the toiletry bag. My packing list for our recent vacation to the Turks and Caicos was awesome. 🙂

  • Autumn Witt Boyd

    I love lists, so I made a Word doc for packing lists for me (otherwise I would forget something like my phone charger at least 50% of the time) and for my kids. I print them every time we go on a trip so I can check off items, add things that are trip-specific, etc. These have saved my sanity and also I can hand the list to my husband and know he's got everything so I don't have to pester him with a million "did you pack XYZ" questions?

  • Autumn Witt Boyd

    I love lists, so I made a Word doc for packing lists for me (otherwise I would forget something like my phone charger at least 50% of the time) and for my kids. I print them every time we go on a trip so I can check off items, add things that are trip-specific, etc. These have saved my sanity and also I can hand the list to my husband and know he's got everything so I don't have to pester him with a million "did you pack XYZ" questions?

  • Kerstin

    I love this! My parents made a camping packing list eons ago when we were little and they still use it. They've taken things off like "wet wash cloth in ziploc bag" (before the days of wet-ones for sticky children's fingers) and added things like "binoculars" when they developed an interest in birding. Anyway, it's such a great list I made a copy of it for myself and edit/use it every time I go camping now.

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