
Planning the Garden

Despite the fact that we’ve lived in our house since August, it still looks like a construction site (sorry, Neighbors!). It’s been really hard to prioritize landscaping because a) it’s so expensive and b) I’m juggling a million other things that feel much more urgent and important.
We did manage to get three different plans and quotes, and we fell in love with the design above. It’s an edible landscape. The squares are raised beds that will provide 64-square feet of gardening space, strategically situated between our driveway and the front door so that we constantly have to walk through it. There are also five blueberry bushes! And a pomegranate tree! And an herb garden. And random things stuck in there like kale, swiss chard, etc. 
My favorite part is that the design includes drip irrigation, which is better for the environment and will reduce the amount of required maintenance. 
I think it will be a fun little place to explore and experience the awe of gardening. 
We’re hoping to be able to get afford to get this done in the next couple months!  


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