
April: Reflection & Rejuvenation

Hello, April! It’s great to see you. 
I didn’t have much time to accomplish my goals this month, since I set them in the middle of March, but I surprised myself by actually accomplishing a lot of them! 
Here’s a review:
  • Run at least two times a week and stretch at least 3 times weekly. The good news is I have a system in place for fitting in two to three runs a week. The problem this month is that I had a lot of work obligations in the afternoons/evenings, so I wasn’t able to run. I did manage to run on every Saturday and Sunday that wasn’t already occupied. And I’m getting better at making time for my yoga stretches! This goal has definitely been a work in progress. I still have a lot of work to do to get my body back in shape after everything my babies put it through. 
  • Turn the bottom of our kitchen island into a chalkboard: Yes! 
  • Purchase dining chairs for our back deck: Yes! I hemmed and hawed about what chairs to get. In the end, I pushed myself to get over my sometimes paralyzing perfectionism and just buy something. Matt and I agreed on these chairs from IKEA. Once we shlepped the whole family there, we decided we should go ahead and buy furniture for our whole deck: a table, an umbrella, and a couch. It feels amazing to have all of that knocked out. We’ve lived here for eight months already, and our deck has been largely uncomfortable and not as usable as it has the potential to be. 
  • Finish our white board for real this time: Yes! 
And as I move forward and set my goals for this month, first I need to revisit my yearly goals:

I want to strengthen my habits of health and wellness:  
  • run at least three times a week and go to yoga once 
  • drink at least 80 ounces of water a day 
  • add new meals to our weekly rotation 

I want to continue to put down roots and connect with those around me: 

  • attend church potlucks 
  • sign up to support people by delivering meals, etc. 
  • regularly invite people over  
  • send birthday cards 
  • completely organize our house 
  • finish our front- and backyard landscaping 
  • do service learning with Henry 
  • start a garden 

I want to create the kind of school I want to send my own children to. 

So here we go:
  • Run at least two times a week and stretch at least 3 times weekly. 
  • Get a garden planted–so exciting! 
  • Organize Henry’s and Tate’s closets–get rid of baby stuff that we no longer need!
  • Update the guest bathroom
  • Host a get together with colleagues
  • Update Tate’s scrapbook
That sounds about right for this month. Most of my to-do list is comprised of work-related stuff these days, so I don’t want to overdo it with my personal goals. 
Have a great month, Everyone! 

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