• Sasha-Ingenue

    AAAAAAAA!!! Oh my gosh Sara!! That news clip is SO crazy exciting!! You are an actual real-life hero! Congratulations a thousand times. You have worked so, so very hard and are accomplishing what many of us would consider an insurmountable task. Thank you for busting your ass and being an amazing human. *The pearls make you look extra principal-ish.*

  • Kristy

    A huge congrats! Such a fantastic news clip. I totally agree – the pearls are very principal-ish! Can't believe I've been following your blog for these past few years and watched this BIG dream come to fruition. I'm definitely more inspired to tackle my own big dreams. 🙂

  • beneg

    Wow Sara this is so incredibly exciting! You are so courageous and motivated and such an inspiration to your readers. Loved watching the clip and was great to 'put a voice to your face'. Good luck!!! Bene x

  • Catherine

    You have put so much work & heart into this — so exciting that there are going to be "kids in seats" soon! I just know that you will have the kids jumping right out of those seats & into some exciting learning opportunities.

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