
Leadership Coach?

In this post, I wrote about how I
used to devote more time to intentional self-growth but I had grown out of the
habit over the years.
One really quick way to get back
into the habit would be to start seeing a therapist. However, I think the more
relevant route for me at this point in my life (since my time is limited and I
need to stay very focused on my work) would be to look for a leadership
coach—someone who is part-therapist, part-life coach, part-executive coach, and
part strategist. It would be someone who is well steeped in things like
non-violent communication and mindfulness as well as the concepts in Good to Great and Drive. Someone who would have worksheets and reflection forms for
me to fill out independently before discussing.
Does such a person exist? Since
this coaching would likely take place over the phone or Skype, it doesn’t
matter where they are physically located.

Please let me know if you have any leads! 


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