
‘Tis the Season: Gardening

During Spring Break, I decided it was time to get our garden going for the 2015 Spring/Summer season. We ripped out the lingering weeds, kale, and cold weather lettuces. We dug out as many grubs as we could find. We added a layer of Ladybug Revitalizer Compost. And we made a trip to Red Barn Garden Center and purchased four tomato plants. 
I still remember debating whether I wanted to build four raised beds into the plan for our front yard. I worried that I would lose interest in gardening and wouldn’t be able to keep up with it. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to grow anything (since I struggled so much with my garden in Denver). 
But last summer was wonderful. The addition of automatic irrigation has made all the difference. And putting the raised beds between our front door and our cars ensures that we don’t neglect the garden. I feel so fortunate to be able to share the “garden to table” experience with my boys. Both of them loved the whole process from start to finish. I’m looking forward to another season of it! 

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