
Preparing for the Summer

The other day I had to count the number of school days left for an HR reason, and I realized we were down to 35 days. What?!? There are a whole lot of feelings I have around finishing my first school year at the school I started, but this post is more about the impending summer.
It’s almost here! 
There’s a lot going on this summer. First, I’ll have a three-week vacation at the beginning of June (I didn’t take a single day off throughout the entire year, so I will have accumulated 15 days of vacation time). We’ll be traveling to Tahoe with Matt’s family for a week of it. 
Then I’ll be attending the Reflection & Rejuvenation Retreat.
Then Matt and I will be traveling to Puerto Rico for a wedding. 
And before we know it school will be starting again. 
I don’t want the summer season to slip away before I’ve been able to fully embrace it. 
What do I want our days to be like? 
When Matt is working and I’m not, he usually takes the boys for a few hours and then I have them for the rest of the day. So what would be the most fun and relaxing way to spend our days together? Probably swimming in the morning, then putting Tate down for a nap while Henry and I either do an activity together or watch a show (while I nap). And then we can spend the afternoon together:
  • Hiking
  • Inviting friends over for more swimming
  • Playing at the park
  • Going to the YMCA together
  • Playing in the garden
The traffic is going to be terrible, so we need to stay close to home. 
And what activities can Henry and I do together? I should really seize the opportunity to expand my own hobbies. 
  • I’ve already talked about canning the harvest from our garden. (I purchased this simple kit.)
  • It might be fun to sketch and watercolor with Henry. (This book looks interesting.)
  • Or clay! This book looks inspiring.
  • Or maybe I should get a head start on hand-making presents for people. I’ve been dying to make these teacup candles for a while.
I would love to simultaneously develop a hobby for myself and teach Henry something new. 
So much to think about!

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