
Big Adventures

Matt was out of town this past weekend, and I decided that the boys and I needed to have a big adventure in order to make the time pass quickly. On a whim, I texted one of my friends in Dallas to see if we could come for a visit. She was game! So Saturday morning, we made bread for our school’s potluck, hung out at the school for a little over an hour, and then hit the road for Dallas. We arrived around 4pm. 
Matt and I tend to be homebodies, so trekking to a distant city to stay with friends isn’t something we normally do. But it was so much fun. We didn’t even do anything adventurous! On Saturday afternoon and evening, we watched the children play together (they have a 2nd grader) and we ate a delicious homecooked meal. Sunday morning, we ate Swedish pancakes and walked to the park. The boys and I left around lunch time. 
As I type out the details, I realize how mundane it all sounds, but it was magical. The boys had a grand time. And it was so fun to reconnect with old friends in the comfort of their home. I need to do this kind of thing more often!

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