
Henry’s Christmas Gift

The magic of Christmas is upon us. The excitement is palpable around these parts. Even little Tate can explain, “After Thanksgiving, we are going to get our Christmas tree!” 
We’ve pulled out our seasonal fall and Thanksgiving books (I forgot to take out the Halloween books this year!), and I’m eager to start our holiday countdown experiences this year. 
My hope for our family is that the entire month of December will feel magical, not just Christmas morning. That’s part of why we don’t go crazy on Christmas morning with presents. 
This year we are getting Henry one big present: a subscription to a Kiwi Crate. A box will arrive each month filled with science and art activities.  
He may be underwhelmed by opening the first box (alongside all the flashier gifts from other family members) but he will love that it arrives in the mail (address to him, no less!) every single month. He loves mail, and he loves doing new things. 
I’m excited to watch him open them every month!

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