
Join Us Now!

Friends! Purposeful Parenthood is about to start! The first course will start on Monday, January 11, 2016. Do you want to join us? You can register here.
I’m so eager to wrestle with important topics related to family within a community of like-minded individuals.  
Over the course of four weeks, we will explore four different themes: 
  1. Vision: Starting with the End in Mind
  2. Environment: Preparing Our Space
  3. Time: Life Rhythms 
  4. Connection: Better Together
At the start of the week, you will
receive instructions about the Purposeful Parenthood Challenge for that
week. For example, the challenge for the first week is to create a
Family Mission Statement. The second week we will be selecting an area
of our home to update in a family-friendly way. The third week we will
be thinking about our ideal schedules and the kinds of rituals we want
to incorporate into our lives. Finally, we will be focusing on our
partnerships and how to strengthen them in ways that build a strong
foundation for our families.

Each day, a new lesson will be uploaded that relates to completing the
challenge for the week. Daily lessons include experiences like
reflection prompts, templates to help you tease out your thoughts,
inspiration, etc. You can connect with others in the online community
forum on a daily basis for support, to share ideas, or to ask questions.
The following Monday, we will share the results of our challenges from
the previous week via the online community. On Tuesday, we will begin
the process again for the new week’s challenge. 

I hope you’ll join us! You can find out more information by reading the Course Overview or About the Author. And here’s the link to the Registration Page.

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