
Cookbook Recommendation

I’m not one to buy books these days. The library is my friend. I love how it’s free and it keeps clutter from piling up in my home. 
But I had to make an exception for this book. I know it seems weird to buy a cookbook in the age of Pinterest, but I’ve been searching high and low for clean recipes on the internet, and I’m not having much luck with finding things that appeal to me. 
The book Everyday Detox is awesome! I learned how to make a pizza crust out of cauliflower (the recipe involves thawing frozen cauliflower) and an easy and delicious frittata. I’m eager to try the Southwestern sweet potatoes, banana pancakes, salt and vinegar Brussels sprouts, and more. If I weren’t a vegetarian, I would enjoy the maple-glazed salmon and the fish tacos (with a lettuce tortilla).  
Meanwhile I’m reading Unprocessed: My City-Dwelling Year of Reclaiming Real Food. It’s a personal narrative about eating only whole foods for an entire year. It’s inspiring me to look more closely at the foods we eat as a family. I’m considering signing up for a local CSA to support neighborhood agriculture and keep money in our community. 
I’m also planning to make sure the boys’ breakfasts and lunches are as whole and healthy as possible. Matt is in charge of breakfast, so the boys get a lot of instant oatmeal (with an unnecessary amount of sugar already in the packages). My colleague recommend the website, 100 Days of Real Food, and I’m eager to check it out!
Hooray for my year of “Health & Wellness!”


  • Sarah Kopper

    Unprocessed looks interesting–just downloaded it from the library. We are trying to move all of our shopping to bulk + farmers' market to avoid packaging and the waste that goes with it, inspired by the books Zero Waste Home and Plastic-Free. Bonus: so much healthier! Thanks for sharing your recommendations.

  • saracotner

    Thanks for your recommendations, Sarah! It's always great to hear from you.

    And thanks for the recommendation, The Hudsons! We are investigating the possibility of getting together a critical mass at the school where I work, so that JBG Organic could deliver to us. So exciting!

  • katharina

    Have you tried googleing with keywords like paleo, endo- diet and superfoods? Maybe you'll find something, though paleo probably has lots of meat. Also check out greenkitchenstories.com
    Good luck!

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