
Date Weekend: Things to Do in Steamboat Springs, CO

Matt and I got to sneak away for a whole glorious weekend to
attend a wedding while my mother-in-law watched the boys.
We flew into Denver and drove approximately three hours to
Steamboat Springs. On the first day, we went for a hike at Fish Creek Trail, enjoyed
salads on the patio of Freshies, and got pedicures together. That night we went
to the rehearsal dinner.
The next day, we enjoyed the Strawberry Park Hot Springs.
Normally, I find hot springs to be pretty un-enticing and sometimes downright
gross, but this place was beautiful. It had lots of different pools with
varying temperatures, the architecture was beautiful, and we got to lounge on
chairs high above the hot springs while I finished my book (which, by the way,
was completely engrossing and sort of left me feeling like an addict because I
couldn’t put it down and wanted to spend large amounts of our vacation weekend

trip was pretty fast but definitely fun. The good news is that I really missed
being around our boys! I was eager to get home to them. 


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