
Book Recommendations

I am in love with the OverDrive app. It connects me to my
city’s library and lets me download e-books into my Kindle app (on my phone) for free. It’s
amazing! It enables me to save money and read a lot more than I otherwise
Here are some of the books I’ve read recently, all of which
I recommend:
Gone Girl: I seriously could not put this book down. I even
snuck downstairs during a party to read it in the bathroom (just a couple
minutes). It’s engrossing. Surprising. Intriguing. Yes, I am clearly an
Secrets of a Charmed Life: I love historical fiction. This
book was set during World War II, but it’s really a story about finding your
passion and staying connected to family.
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves: This book was my
least favorite of all, but I still really enjoyed it and recommend it. I didn’t
read what it was about before starting it, and I recommend that you do the
same! It makes for a hugely interesting surprise.

been fun to reconnect with the reader in me again. I feel like this phase of
Parenting Two Young Children While Also Balancing a Demanding Career (and
Sometimes Trying to Fit in Exercise, and, Oh Yeah, Friends) has just been so

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