

We are now entering into All-the-Holidays-Start-Coming-So-Fast territory. Halloween will be here next month. Then Thanksgiving. And then Christmas.
I need to have a yearly list of everything that needs to get done around this time. I’ll save that for another post!
As for Halloween, it’s one of my favorite holidays. I used to love it more before I had children. I know that sounds weird, but I loved spending a lot of time making an awesome costume for myself. Now that I’m responsible for 3-4 costumes, it’s a lot less fun. I now do a combination of handmade + buy some stuff so I’m not so stressed out. 
I thought last year was going to be the end of our group costumes, since I knew Tate would have more opinions now that he’s three. For the past two years, we’ve been letting Henry choose what he wants to be, and we create a whole theme around whatever he chooses:
  • Year 1 of Family Costume = Henry chose to be an elephant, so we made a circus theme. Tate (infant at the time) was a strongman. I was a clown. Matt was a box of popcorn.
  • Year 2 of the Family Costume = Henry chose to be a picnic, so I was a pineapple, Tate was a carrot, and Matt was a bunch of grapes. 
This year Henry chose to be Peter Pan (after reading the book at counseling) and he convinced Tate to be Captain Hook, so I’m going to be Wendy and Matt is going to be Tinkerbell. I’m inspired to make Henry’s costume from scratch using this tutorial. For Tate, I bought this costume off of Amazon. For my Wendy costume, I bought this nightgown and I will dye it blue. Matt is going to use this tulle to make a Tinkerbell costume similar to this one. Should be a good time! 


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