
Preventing Holiday Stress: Holiday To-Do List

As I see it, there are two ways to reduce holiday stress:

  1. Lower our expectations–literally cross off the number of things on our to-do list.
  2. Get started earlier. 
My personal preference is a combination of both these strategies. Here’s what I want to accomplish this year:
Make holiday cards like last year.
  • I need to draft the text for our holiday cards. 
  • Ask Matt to select the photos for our holiday card.
  • Get the card designed.
  • Get the card printed.
  • Pick up stamps. 
  • Get updated addresses from my friends and family.
  • Stuff all the envelopes.
  • And send! 
Purchase all my gifts and get them wrapped before Thanksgiving. 
  • Make a list of everyone we need to get gifts for. 
  • Brainstorm ideas.
  • Make purchases.
  • Figure out what we are going to do for wrapping paper this year.
  • Wrap our gifts! 
  • Make gift tags.
Decide which gifts I’m going to make. 
  • Make a list.
  • Brainstorm ideas.
  • Get supplies. 
  • Make the gifts! 
Get Matt’s birthday present (end of November). 
  • Luckily I collect ideas all year.
  • Purchase gift.
We’ll see which of these things I get started on versus which things just get crossed off the list! 

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