
Detoxing for a Couple Days

Last year, my overarching focus for the year was “Health & Wellness.” I started the year with a 21-day cleanse, which felt amazing. I did yoga and ran twice a week all the way until April. 
This year, I’ve been running twice a week (I haven’t picked up the yoga again yet). I’m feeling proud that we are almost through April and I’m still regularly running! But I’m also feeling like I want to kick up the healthy eating a notch. 
I’m going to do a couple days of this cleanse. It’s so simple and it doesn’t feel like a cleanse at all. It just feels like healthy eating. 
Breakfast is a smoothie. Lunch is usually some form of rice, beans/lentils, and vegetables. And dinner is soup. 
I’m going to try Daily Harvest for a delivery of smoothie ingredients and soups. It will help me break out of my one-kind-of-smoothie rut and perhaps help me actually like soup. I’m excited! 

One Comment

  • shelbyyylee

    The banana and the mint daily harvest smoothies are the best. Also, the carrot ginger soup is pretty good! I don't love their delivery schedule and minimums – if you forget to skip your freezer is easily overwhelmed. I hope you enjoy!

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