
Gardening in the Front Yard

I apologize in advance for writing this post every year. Sometimes two times a year. It’s just so fun to have a front-yard garden!

We planted our Spring/Summer garden over Spring Break. Here’s what we have growing:

  • Cucumbers
  • Mint
  • Watermelon
  • Artichoke
  • Bell peppers
  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pomegranates
  • Figs
A front-yard garden is a lazy gardener’s dream. I am forced to walk past it at least two times a day. It’s very easy to weed when you are walking by and spot something. 
Walking by the garden at least twice a day ensures that we notice things as they progress. It’s so fun to stop briefly to notice the tendrils of the bean plant reaching to climb up the cage or the tiniest bell pepper that’s starting to form or the bean that’s ready to be plucked. 
Having it in the front yard keeps it away from our dog (and chickens, when we have them). We don’t seem to have a problem with other animals attacking it in the front. 
The trick to making the garden manageable is the automatic irrigation. It makes it possible to have a full-time job, a full family, and a garden. 
I love that our children get to experience the cycle of life through the garden. So fun! 

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