
Family Meeting Idea

I started reading The Secrets of Happy Families. So far I’m enjoying it! 
One of the first ideas is about a weekly family meeting. The idea is really simple and common (it also comes up in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families). The family gets together and discusses a set of things, such as: 

  1. What things went welling our family this week?
  2. What things could we improve in our family?
  3. What things will you commit to working on this week? 
I don’t think we are quite ready for this weekly ritual yet, although I love the idea of it. Tate is only four right now. I think these kinds of reflective and self-aware exercises work better as children turn from five to six. 
I think it would be fun to pair it with another ritual like pancakes for dinner or a pizza night.

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