
18 Summers

I recently read or heard a reminder that we only have 18 summers with our children. (Hopefully this isn’t entirely true, since I still vacation with family in the summer. But it resonated with me nonetheless.) 
While that was percolating in my mind, Matt read something about a father who spent a month traveling with his children every summer, and we both agreed that that sounds so lovely! 
So I think we will try to go on a 3-week vacation every summer as a family. We will aim for 2019 so we have time to save up for another big international excursion. I have two weeks of vacation in the summer plus 6 sick days a year. I can try to save them up to make the third week! 
I’m thinking the French countryside? Or Portugal? Or Guatemala? Or Bali? Or Borneo? I think I need to get updates from one of those sites that lets you book inexpensive airline tickets…
Or maybe even in an RV around the U.S.? 
So many possibilities! 


  • BabyD

    Japan! Such a beautiful and kind country. The food is amazing. Will make a lasting impression and can be done more cheaply. Let me know if you have questions!

  • Annie

    I would definitely include an RV trip in the US. I grew up in Europe and travelled to every continent but some of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen were in American national parks. The National Parks service is amazing and has so many opportunities for kids to do junior ranger things.
    I would get an annual pass and stay between Utah and Arizona. The trip could include Grand Canyon (the North Rim is a lot less touristy and more beautiful, in my opinion), Arches, Zion, Bryce Canyon… In the summer, the campgrounds are full of families from all over the world and the boys would have a blast playing with other kids.

  • Sara E. Cotner

    I love that idea, Annie! I've done the exact trip you're talking about–twice with 6th graders! It's a beautiful area. It would be awesome to take my family there! And they would love the RV idea. Thanks so much!

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