Henry’s 8th Birthday

Dearest Henry,
We have been so lucky to have another year with you. You are so full of interesting ideas and insights. And you have big, deep questions about the universe! You also love fuzzy blankets, tickling, wrestling, and snuggling.
You continue to love fishing when you get a chance. You caught a big fish when we were visiting friends in Wimberley! And swimming is your go-to activity for large portions of the year.
This year, you finished 1st grade and started 2nd. You and your friends did some research on war and presented your learning to the class. We took a summer trip to Colorado, and you loved swimming, going on the roller coasters, sliding down huge slides, and generally running around.
We spent Fall Break in Stinson Beach. You are such a beach lover! No matter how cold the water is…you run, dig, hop, roll around—your activity is endless!
You continue to love Legos (putting together sets for much older children) and free building every day. You also love Nerf guns and can’t wait to celebrate your 8th birthday with a Nerf gun fight!
This year, you’ve become obsessed with audio books, especially mysteries like the Hardy Boys and survivalist stories like Hatchet.
You learned how to play chess this year, and within two weeks of learning, you were able to beat both Dad and me!
You continue to make our lives more interesting, more fun, and more hilarious.
Thank you for bringing so much light into our lives!