New IKEA Finds: What We Are Loving Right Now

This weekend we all went to my office at work. The boys spend about 30 minutes a day in my office, so we have a collection of toys there. Henry wanted Matt to help him with a big Lego set he was working on, and I wanted a chance to tidy up at the end of the semester. It felt good to get everything organized again. I feel so renewed and reenergized when I purge and tidy a space. I realized I really wanted to get one more plant for my office, so we trekked to IKEA. I wanted to share these new IKEA finds with you, in case you find them interesting! (Well, “new” to me, since I’m not very trendy!)
New IKEA Finds: Kuggis Storage Boxes
Sea foam green is my absolute favorite color for decor items. I bought two of these—one for each boy—to store a small amount of Legos in my office. I used a Sharpie marker to write their names on them. They fit so nicely into my IKEA bookshelf. (The picture is at my house; I haven’t moved them to the office yet!)
Snidad Basket
We bought this basket to store outdoor blankets. I love the look of it! We bought the vintage wool blankets when the boys led us into an underground store in Lockhart, Texas.

Fladis Basket
This basket is not new, but we are using it as a planter, which I really like. I use two cake pans to make this work. One cake pan goes upside down to create a flat pedestal over the bumpy basket base, and the other cake pan sits on top of the other one and catches any water that drips through. I guess you could also use a plastic plant tray, but I just used what we had!

New IKEA Finds: Ostbit
We searched high and low for an iPad storage solution for the iPads we are going to get for the boys. We considered some desk trays, magazine holders, etc. In the end, we ended up with the most affordable solution: this plate holder! It’s featured in the top photo of this post (right underneath the sea foam green plastic boxes).
Fiddle Leaf Plant
I bought another Fiddle Leaf plant (it’s the little one growing next to the big one—waiting to head to my office).