Easy and Healthier DIY Sno Cones

My attempt to help my children enjoy their summer despite the fact that they are spending six weeks in childcare is going well! I let each boy select one item off our Special Summer Activities Tracker last week. They worked together to pick the Water Blob and Sno Cones. They were both so much fun! Today’s post is about the easy and healthier DIY sno cones we’ve been making.
Ingredients for Easy and Healthier DIY Sno Cones
- I bought this snow maker for ~$35 after doing a bit of research. It’s the S900 model, and apparently it makes finer snow. I am such a sucker for new appliances. I’ve done really well with whittling them back down after years. So I need to be careful not to let the number accumulate again!
- I bought these glasses to hold the sno cones (~$11). These are not necessary.
- I bought these bottles to hold the syrup (~$9). Totally worth it!
- The syrup is just frozen juice concentrate, defrosted and funneled into the condiment bottles. So easy! I was very particular about not getting juice with high fructose corn syrup or even added sugar. We ended up with an orange juice, pineapple juice, and grape juice.
- The machine comes with two plastic bowls for making big ice chunks. Once they are frozen, we move them into a another bowl in the freezer, so we can make a new round of frozen ice chunks. We can make approximately two sno cones from each chunk of ice.
Using all three syrup flavors is the rage! We didn’t get any straws; we just use spoons.
Making sno cones every day is so much fun!