How to Help a Grieving Friend from a Distance

Friends of ours just suffered a terrible loss in their lives. I know Matt and I need to do something. However, it’s always hard to know how to help a grieving friend from a distance. I don’t want to say something that trivializes their loss. Nor do I want to stay silent. It’s particularly difficult because they live across the country. We can’t show up and help in ordinary ways.
I turned to these sources below for ideas. The first piece is my favorite:
Above all, show your love. Show up. Say something. Do something. Be willing to stand beside the gaping hole that has opened in your friend’s life, without flinching or turning away. Be love. Love is the thing that lasts.
Megan Devine
These sites were also helpful for figuring out how to help a grieving friend:
- 21 Ways to Help Someone You Love Through Grief
- 13 Awkward (But Useful) Ways To Help Your Grieving Friend
This quote also stuck a deep chord with me:
As it turns out, grief lasts longer than sympathy — way longer.
Jodi Whitsitt
It makes me wonder if we should reach out at least once a month for the first year and then annually for a couple years. We would reach out to let them know we haven’t forgotten. We can wait and see if that feels appropriate at the time.
For now, we are going to send a plant from The Sill and a book that was mentioned in one of the articles, along with the best words we can piece together.
You are so kind to be intentional in how to serve your friends during this time. I love to following-up months after. Our son was diagnosed with cancer in January, and we had so many people reach out then, but it feels even more tender to have people *keep* reaching out, once the dust has settled and people seem to have “moved on”. Grief lasts longer than sympathy- wow, so true.
Sara Cotner
Wow, Betsy. Thank you for sharing about your son and your family’s journey. I just followed you on Instagram so I can stay updated. Sending lots of well wishes your way. Yes, I agree that that quote is a powerful reminder and a call to action.