Celebrating Your Own Birthday: Brainstorming Ideas

How do you feel about celebrating your own birthday? I know it can seem self-centered and egotistical. But, personally, I err on the side of believing that if you want something in life, you should make it happen for yourself.
I love celebrating birthdays—my own and others. I did much more of it before I had children. My favorite birthday party ever was my Be the Change Scavenger Hunt. I even had team t-shirts printed! We drove all around Houston doing random acts of kindness for strangers. And I somehow found two live bands willing to come share their talents at the party. And there was a commemorative CD. My birthdays are no where near as involved any more!
As parenting gets easier, I find myself getting back on the birthday planning bandwagon. For my 40th, several friends and their families flew in for a family camping adventure at inexpensive cabins on a lake. Last year, I hosted a small dinner party and then moved to a club for dancing.
Ideas for This Year’s Birthday
What do I feel like this year?
Some ideas:
- A tent camping adventure with families
- A spa day with a small group of girlfriends (we would each get one service and then spend a couple hours taking advantage of the hot tub, pool, etc.)—Matt might be able to provide photography in exchange for some free services
- An overnight date night with Matt (maybe to this place?)
- A family adventure to a small Texas town
I think I’m leaning toward an overnight date night with Matt. If we do manage to go on a Family Gap Year starting in June, it’s going to be all family, all the time.
I’m wondering if we could find two different friends to host one of our children for a sleepover. I think it would be easier to handle one boy at a time and to preempt any fighting between them.
This could be really fun!