Sleepover Party: Our Very First One!

For his 9th birthday, Henry is asking for a sleepover party. This will be our very first one as a family!
Here’s what we’re thinking: three friends (two boys and a girl). The girl’s parents have already said she can only stay for the evening and needs to get picked up before bed.
- 5pm on a Friday night = Arrival (appetizers = chips and dip, mangoes, candy)
- 5pm-5:45pm = Free play
- 5:45pm-6:00pm = Pizza and cake
- 6:00pm=7:00pm = More free play
- 7:00pm = Movie (popcorn and root beer floats)
- 9:00pm = Lights Out
- 7am = Playing and pancake breakfast
- 8:30am = Pick up
Can’t wait for the sleepover party!