Are bearded dragons good pets? Let’s find out!

Henry has been asking for a lizard for quite a while now. We’ve been ignoring his request because we’ve been preparing for a Family Gap Year. However, things hit a low low last week. Henry was saying that he thinks I love Tate more than him, that I don’t like him, that he can’t handle the pressure of homeschooling, that I love my work more than him, and that he can’t survive another day without a pet. I had already been wondering, “Are bearded dragons good pets?” But then I had an idea about how I could find out in a no-strings-attached kind of way!
Many of the classrooms at our school have pets. It’s part of how we create the feeling of a “second family” and how children get practice in real-life skills, such as caring for things beyond themselves. One of our teachers has a bearded dragon named Mr. Taquito. I texted her and asked if my family could take care of him while school is closed. She said yes!
So I had the pleasure of making Henry a very happy boy!
It turns out that bearded dragons are good pets. They only poop/pee about once a week. They don’t eat much. Bearded dragons are quiet. They don’t have a lot of germs. Bearded dragons are okay being taken out of their aquariums and held. They will sit still on a couch pillow and stare at a screen during family movie night.
We are having a good experience so far! We also have our names on a list to foster a bulldog in order to help it find a permanent home. We’ll see when/if that comes through!