Documentary Recommendations for Kids

During distance learning, our school is supporting children to follow their interests and learn how to learn. We are specifically doing this in science and social studies. We use BrainPOP for short science and social studies videos. We also put together a list of documentary recommendations for kids, if you are interested!
Tate decided he wanted to focus on the human body. We watched all of the BrainPOP Jr. videos associated with the human body. I appreciate how short and engaging they are. Then we traced Tate’s body onto a giant piece of paper (we have rolls of paper from IKEA). Next we are are going to draw the organs, cut them out, and attach them to the body. It’s fun!
Editor’s Note: We have been working on this project for weeks. We only do a little bit each week. I am definitely not one of those Pinterest Moms who is somehow doing creative and interesting projects every day!
Do you have any other documentary recommendations for kids?
Sebrina Parker
My 6yo is OBSESSED with a NatGeo documentary on Disney+ about the Titanic. I think it’s called Drain the Titanic. I can’t even count the number of times he has watched it 😂
Sara Cotner
Ooh…we will have to check it out!