Preparing Our Home: Summer Spruce Up

I’m really trying not to count how many weeks we’ve been in shelter-in-place. I tend to keep my mind pretty fuzzy about the date in general, except when it’s Friday and we get to have a Movie Night. (The four of us rotate through selecting the movies.) As we continue to spend so much time at home and the weather becomes consistently warm, I’m really feeling the need for a Summer Spruce Up at our home.
Matt and I tend to let our stuff get pretty gross before replacing it. I’m guessing it’s for a couple reasons. First, Matt and I don’t really like to shop. And, second, we don’t really like to spend money.
But it’s time! For example, the animals have been attacking our outdoor cushions in order to make their nests and dens and things. Seriously. They rip apart our cushions and pull out the stuffing. It’s lovely.
So I ordered new lounge chair cushions, and I’m waiting for IKEA to reopen so I can get new cushions for our outdoor couch. We also need to get a cover this time, so they are better protected. It hasn’t worked for us to remove the cushions and store them. The weather is so off and on all year in Austin. We end up leaving them out because the day is really nice and then it rains at night.
I also ordered our very own power washer so we can more easily clean off our Adirondack chairs, wood siding, limestone pavers, etc. Matt seriously could not love it more. It’s hilarious. It’s a gift to him and our home.
Do you have any need for a summer spruce up?