Talking to Kids about Human Development and Sexuality

There were three recent events which got me thinking about the process of talking to kids about human development and sexuality.
The first is that we moved our Human Development lessons online during Distance Learning. The second was a conversation with my friend about how her son was participating in the school’s lessons and wasn’t talking much about the content of the lessons. The very next day, Tate grabbed It’s Not the Stork out of the container behind my bed and asked me to read it to him.
Have you been having conversations with your children about human growth and development over the years? If yes, when did you start? How are they going?
We started when Henry was around three years-old (I think). It was uncomfortable at first. But the more books I read, the more I learned how to talk about issues in developmentally appropriate ways.
I just had to pull out From Diapers to Dating and read the very last section: 9-12 years-old. It’s going too fast, Friends! I realized that I’m halfway done with my time with Henry. He turned 9 in February. That’s halfway to 18. And in 9 years (at this time), he will be preparing to graduate from high school.
I’m grateful that we have had to opportunity to have lots of conversations about human development and sexuality. I’m imagining they are going to come to a halt pretty soon! I’m glad we have built a strong foundation.
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The more I read the stories from victims on internet, the more I feel the urge to talk about this problem to my girls. Thank you for sharing these books, it will help me a lot.
Sara Cotner
Of course! I’m working on an ebooklet for families who are looking for more guidance. It’s so important!