How to Build the Habit of an Equity Lens

You all know I’m losing faith in the United States as a country that can truly deliver on its promise of liberty and justice for all. And I was already feeling that way before this most recent rash of senseless Black deaths. Again. It’s an agonizing Ground Hog Day. Over and over again.
How long must it go on before we actually do something to stop it?
There is a parallelism to what happens with mass shootings. When it happens, there’s massive outcry. But nothing really changes. And then it happens all over again. (Whereas when it happened in New Zealand, they managed to ban assault rifles in less than one month.)
I find myself grasping for bits of hope wherever I can find it. And this 21-day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge was a straw of hope for me. The idea is that you build a racial equity habit by listening, reading, noticing, engaging, connecting, etc. There’s an incredible list of resources, as well as a tracker to hold yourself accountable.
Thank you for giving me a little hope today, Dr. Moore.
Thanks so much for posting that. This is such an amazing list of resources. Really good.
Sara Cotner
Thank you for your kind words, Blandine.