Video of Our Kids: My Commitment

We hit the half-way mark with Henry already. He is 9. In 9 more years, he will turn 18 and will have just graduated from high school. It’s going too fast, my friends. It’s making me want to commit to getting more video of our kids. They are changing so fast!
We make annual videos of our family, which I love. But I really want more video of our children talking. I have two ideas:
- What if I interview my children on their birthdays, asking them the same questions every year?
- What if ask my children to share a message with their dad every Father’s Day?
I’m thinking about what kind of prompts might make sense.
Birthday Interview Questions
At first I was thinking about things like: What do you want to be when you grow up? And, honestly, I think that question might just put unnecessary pressure on my children. I’m looking for questions that would be interesting and relevant across all the years.
- What is your favorite television show?
- What was your favorite movie from the past year?
- What are you really good at?
- What was your best memory from the year?
- If you could do anything in the upcoming year, what would it be?
- What do you really like about your life right now?
- What do you wish you could change about your life?
Fathers’ Day Interview Questions
- What is your dad really good at?
- What was your best memory from the year with your dad?
- Why are you glad your dad is in your life?
This idea might totally flop but it’s worth a try! I’ll probably link to the videos in my weekly newsletter once they are done. If you aren’t already subscribed, you should be able to sign up at the bottom of this post!