Personal Reflection: Time to Check in with Myself

Phew! These days of locking down can be rough! All of my routines for personal reflection have flown out the window. My weekly “must-haves” flew out with my personal reflection habits!
I used to go running every Saturday morning. I would call my mom on the way there and my aunt or cousin on the way home. The boys would spent the morning away from the house, and I would settle in to write my blog posts. Blogging has always been a time to check in with myself.
I haven’t run since March, and the boys don’t regularly leave the house any more. I’m finally realizing that I need to sit down and check-in with myself about what I need in my life.
I like to do this personal reflection exercise every year or every other year. It’s really simple. I ask myself:
What do I need in my life on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis to feel full and joyful?
Some of the things stay constant—like family dinners every night. Other things change with the changing season of my life. For example, I used to have a much higher need for crafting and creating in my life.
So where am I now? In the middle of this global pandemic?
- 8 hours of sleep
- At least 40 ounces of water
- At least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables
- Family dinners
- Time together as a family (playing games, swimming, etc.)
- 5 minutes of stretching or meditation
- Writing in my daily journal (~2 minutes)
- Time to connect with Matt (quick morning or evening walk or a card game)
- An organized and de-cluttered house
- A get together with our close friends outside
- A family adventure
- Friday Night Movie Night
- Phone calls with my family
I’m not really feeling the need to plan out my monthly or yearly needs. I’m just taking it day by day and week by week at this point!
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