Healthy Habits: Trying to Get on Track Again

Phew! I am having a hard time enacting healthy habits in my life right now. I give myself immense grace as the pandemic rages on in my country.
But I also know that I am happier when I am healthier. In yesterday’s post, I talked about all the ways I want to be healthier with sleep, fruits and vegetables, and stretching/meditation. And I don’t think I mentioned exercise, but I really want to start doing that, too!
I know different people need different strategies for making change in their lives. For me, I have to make a step-by-step plan that includes 1) what exactly is going to happen and 2) when.
How am I going to eat 10 fruits/vegetables a day?
- Breakfast smoothie = 2 servings (blueberries, banana, kale, spinach)
- Morning snack = 2 servings (piece of fruit + bell pepper)
- Lunch = 2 servings (sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cucumber) + salad
- Afternoon snack = 2 servings (celery sticks with almond butter)
- Dinner = 2 servings
And how am I going to fit in stretching and meditation?
- I think I need to do it at night after the boys go to sleep. There isn’t enough time to help them with their school work in the morning and start work on time.
How am I going to fit in regular exercise?
- I wonder if I should move my treadmill from my office to my house and try to squeeze in a 20 minute run, Monday through Thursday right before dinner?
I’m looking forward to trying out these healthy habits. I’m hoping it starts to feel like a flywheel—like once I get them up and running, I can sustain them more easily because they feel good.
We’ll see!
Mary B.
I did a lot of strress eating earlier in the pandemic, and started to feel really uncomfortable in my body. I’m getting myself back to a healthier place by tracking what I eat, making sure there’s always a good variety of fruits and vegetables in the house for snacks, and asking myself *why* I want that oreo/chocolate bar/etc (which is usually mood related and not because we’re having a Friday treat). I have also been doing Yoga with Adriene videos after my kids are in bed. I love her stuff because there’s something for everyone, and because she also lists videos by time, which is helpful if I only have the energy for a ten minute session vs something longer.
Sara Cotner
We are on such a similar journey, Mary! I’m wishing you well during this time!
Sara Cotner
Love these ideas, Mary!
Even though we don’t really need to worry about COVID anymore here in NZ, I find I’m a little like you. Unless I make it a routine, it’s just liable to go haywire. Last week was chaotic for us (for a lot of good reasons, but still)… I’ve invested in a nutritionist so my food went relatively smoothly (routine and accountability) but my exercise fell right off the bandwagon. I’ve realised that the more I tie to other things (gym the days I finish early, big glass of water straight after I go to the bathroom) the easier it is.
Sara Cotner
I love that strategy of trying a habit to another daily occurrence. So smart! Also, I have another friend who is working with a nutritionist and she is really enjoying it.