Vacationing with Kids in Michigan

With COVID wreaking havoc in the United States (well, it’s really governmental incompetence that is wreaking havoc—right?), we had to rethink how we would normally do summer vacation. We opted for vacationing with kids in Michigan.
On Day 1, we spent the whole day driving to Indiana. My personal opinion is that there are really only two ways to do a long road trip with kids:
- Drive the whole thing in one day, no matter how many hours it is.
- Drive 3-4 hours every morning and spend the afternoon exploring a different spot.
Because of COVID, we opted for #1. The boys end up falling asleep by 8 or 9pm, which then gives us another 5 or 6 hours of quiet time!
Our Road Trip Ritual was very popular again. Basically, the boys are allowed to pick a snack out of a bag every hour on the hour. (The bag is full of single serving snacks.)
We spent the first week at Matt’s parents’ house. That leg of the journey included a fun walk with Sarah, a trip to Matt’s old summer camp, a boat ride, and fireworks in a friend’s backyard.

Then it was off to Michigan. We spent a couple days in Holland at a small AirBnb.

Then we spent a couple days in a more rural area, living on a tiny lake.

Our final week was spent back in Holland at an AirBnb rented by Matt’s parents. And we went on another boat! The house was literally on the shores of Lake Michigan. What a treat! My favorite feature was the screened-in porch.
It was a very outdoorsy, away from other people trip, which, fortunately, is pretty aligned with my personality!