Noom: My Approach to Weight Loss and Wellness

Those of you who have read Feeding the Soil for a while know that I tend to cycle through the same set of posts! Such as: “I’ve been unhealthy lately and need to get back on track!” Or, “We haven’t been following our budget and need to get back on track!” I don’t look upon these cycles with shame. Instead, I see them as natural, given the fact that staying healthy and staying in budget are lifestyle changes. They aren’t things that are “one and done.” So this post is about how I’ve been unhealthy lately and need to get back on track. This time, I’m trying Noom!
How I Started Using Noom
It all started last week. I was doing my 5-minute stretching routine, and my stomach kept folding over itself. I have gained more than 20 pounds in the past year and a half! Perhaps it’s pre-menopause (I’m 42) or the stress of leading a school during a pandemic or the stress of living through a pandemic in a country that doesn’t take care of its people or the stress of having to homeschool a seriously reluctant learner with dyslexia and a keen need for control (which rubs up against my need for control). Or how about all of the above? 🙂
Before I even got off the ground from stretching, I grabbed my phone and signed up for Noom. I see it advertised on social media all the time, and I decided to try it. I’ve done Weight Watchers in the past and really like that program as well. But, you know, there’s really not a whole lot of newness in my life, so I decided to bring in something new! I’ve been doing a free trial for a week and really like it.
What I Like about Using Noom
The app is way more interactive than my experience with WW. Every day, there’s a series of little articles/experiences to click through. The title tells you how many minutes it will take to complete, ranging from approximately 1-3 minutes.
I have no idea if I would like this feature in my regular life, but in my COVID-19 Life? It’s a godsend! It helps me feel like I have more things to do. I can do it while I’m sitting on the toilet, brushing my teeth, waiting for Henry to brush his teeth, etc. Additionally, the app is full of statistics and numbers, which I love. For example, they shared that users who average 9-12 minutes a day of app usage are something like 70% more successful. I honestly can never remember what my motivational style is, but this app is perfect for me!
It also requires me to weigh in every day. I totally get that this requirement wouldn’t be good for everyone. But, for me, it’s kind of like a little pep talk for myself. I also like it because my weight fluctuates pretty wildly depending on hydrated I am, whether my period is coming up, etc. Checking in daily means I can look at more of the “trend line” than a single day.
It requires you to track every meal. I don’t really like logging meals. However, I do understand how helpful it is to me as a retrain myself to eat healthier foods and healthier portion sizes, even when I’m stressed. Also, I find that it’s easier to track meals on Noom than it is on MyFitnessPal, for example. Finally, I also appreciate how the app reminds you to track your meals, weigh in, etc.
I really liked the point system of WW (instead of the calorie system of Noom), but all of the other functionality makes Noom the winner in my book. A personal goal specialist is assigned to me. She sends me text periodically. She actually reads my responses and responds in meaningful ways.
My Goals
My goal with all of this is to build a healthier lifestyle for myself. I want to be someone who eats healthy about 80% of the time and treats myself 20% of the time. My daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner plans should fit within the range of what is healthy for me so that my healthy eating can be more on “auto-pilot.” My hope is to stop mindlessly eating (popsicle after popsicle or chip after chip). I don’t want to eat to fill myself up emotionally. I also want to be physically active on a regular basis. And to drink enough water. And get enough sleep. I want to maintain a daily stretching and meditation practice. I want to set myself up to age gracefully.
It feels good to be on track for that!
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