Summer Vacation: Making Plans Now

The other day, I was working through my monthly planning process. I realized I’m supposed to be planning Fall Break this month. What?!? I haven’t even started planning our Summer Vacation yet!
Every year, I have two weeks off for Summer Vacation. Then I try to save up all of my sick days (I get six a year), so I have another week off. As I type all of that out, I’m realizing I won’t be able to take off three consecutive weeks this year. We are onboarding a new principal. I’m happy about bringing on a new principal, but that sucks for my vacation!
Other things to consider: In the summer, we rent out our pool. It helps us recoup some of the pool’s expenses and helps supplement our income since Matt isn’t working full-time. The longer we are gone, the less money we make. That’s a mark in the “don’t go away for long” category.
But a mark in the “go away” category is that we get so few summers with our children. We effectively only have 8-9 more summers with Henry at home! We won’t ever get those back, so I don’t want to squander them.
One other idea: If we went away for the whole month, we could try to rent out our house on AirBnB. That could help cover the expenses. And I would just work remotely during that time. Perhaps I could do two full weeks off and then two weeks of working half days to use up my extra week of vacation?
Does anyone want to do a house swap for the month of June? That could be cool. Austin has a lot of fun activities in the summer. Let me know! I can also think through all of our friends to see if the idea might interest anyone. It could be fun to explore someone else’s city from their home base.
I have so many questions about the pool!
Do you already rent out your pool or is this just an idea?
If you do already rent it out, what does the liabiliy insurance look like on that? Please tell me you have insurance for this!
Do you hire a lifeguard?
Are you renting to your neighbors? The idea of charging your neighbors to offset an expense doesn’t come across as very community minded. Growing up, so many of my friends had pools and it would have been awful if only the kids who could pay could come to swim.
Sara Cotner
Hi, Alycia! Last year we rented out our pool to strangers via an app called Swimply. It helped contribute to the expense of owning a pool and helped us generate additional income since Matt is not working full time.
Got it. There is an app for everything these days! When I was a kid and we got a pool, my dad used to joke about charging friends and family to use it, so that’s where my brain went. Thanks for explaining!
Cleveland, Ohio? We are two teachers with two boys…this is a great place to explore. Email me if interesting in chatting further.