Dwelling in Possibility

My Mantra for 2022: How I’m Planning to Stay Grounded

mantra for 2022

As I was writing my last Executive Director update for Montessori For All, I had a startling realization:

The past three school years have been impacted by COVID.

I get that it’s a little odd to have that realization this late in the game. But I’ve really just had my head down in an attempt to get through it.

In the professional realm, my team and I had to reimagine our entire school model during Spring Break 2020. Then it was all boots on the ground to deliver technology, get apps up and running, and figure out how to do everything in a new way, like Community Circles and end-of-year graduations.

Then Summer 2020 was strengthening that model. We decided to make more than 2,000 instructional videos for hybrid learning. We had to simultaneously figure out when and how to reopen school. So lots of conversations with an epidemiologist! And then it was drafting all the safety procedures and training staff. And then one of our leaders quit, so I had to step in for many temperature checks and screening questions. Next it was a year of teachers supporting children at home and school.

We thought the 2021-22 school year would be easier, but it’s not. It started with an epic battle with the Governor over mask mandates, vaccinated staff members contracting COVID, and lots of absences.

Meanwhile in my personal life, we had to cancel our Family Gap Year. That trip was supposed to be an opportunity to reconnect with my family after years of launching the school and giving it nearly my entire heart and mind.

Henry hit an all-time low in December. Since then, it has been an all-out effort to bring equilibrium back into our lives. Matt and I did parenting coaching and have both continued our individual therapy sessions. I’m trying to exercise and do acupuncture and reiki for stress reduction.

Things are really good now—but just barely! It all feels like it’s resting on a very precarious house of cards.

So as we head into 2022, I want to strengthen the foundation upon which our life is built. I don’t want it to be a safety pin and tape situation.

Therefore, my guiding quote for 2022 will be:

What you seek, is seeking you.


I find this quote so comforting. For me, it is about being very present in the current moment, quieting the noise, and listening closely. Everything I seek is also seeking me. So if I can slow down and get quiet, I can better tune into it.

For me, it’s also about honoring my authentic self. My authentic self is different from the authentic self of others. We each have unique gifts to contribute to the world. I want to put myself in situations that enable me to shine. I want to have patience and grace for my areas for growth. Perfection is not the goal!

Have I mentioned this book I read about finding my purpose? It said I am a builder who has developed lots of skills as a strategist in service of developing solutions to humanity’s problems. I want to lean into my light.

So I don’t want to bring a lot of “supposed to” into my life. I want to continue to tune into my own life force. There’s no need to fight hard for my authentic path when it is beckoning to me and extending its hand out to me.

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