Happy Thanksgiving! Are you all set for an awesome break?

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who live in the United States! I am grateful for this opportunity to celebrate another holiday with my family.
My children continue to grow up so fast! Henry is already past the halfway mark of his time at home with us, and Tate turns 9 in July.
Each year, I ask myself, “Is there anything I want to squeeze in before they get too old for it?” For example, we are too old for photos on Santa’s lap (which we never did anyway). And they’ve never been to Disney World (which I’m also okay with).
We are heading to our vacation house in Bastrop for the week. Monday is our Friendsgiving celebration. One of our dearest family friends is going to stay over that night. We’ve been friends with their family since I met Phae at prenatal yoga back in 2012.
On Friday we have a reservation for a “nature quest” at a nearby park. The description says it’s for 4-10 year-olds. Therefore, I wanted to give it a try before Henry ages out of it.
On Wednesday and Thursday I want to wake up and go on a long walk by myself. The kids can have their screentime in the morning and then we can rendezvous for an adventure in the afternoon.
Our Wednesday adventure will probably be a trip to the Bastrop Museum because they have a WWII exhibit and Tate is obsessed with WWII right now.
And since we are having our big Thanksgiving celebration on Monday, Thursday will feel kind of anti-climactic!
It might be really cute if Henry and I go to Trader Joe’s together to put together a “Thanksgiving feast” for our immediate family on the actual day of Thanksgiving. Then we could go paddle boarding and swimming at the lake (weather will likely be in the 70s and the lake is warm year-round) with our picnic. Knowing Henry and myself, it will be frozen food that we can just heat up. But it would certainly be memorable! I’ll run this idea by Henry and see what he thinks.
When I asked Matt what he wanted to be sure to include in our vacation, he named date nights! So on Tuesday and Wednesday nights we will probably grab fast food for the kids and leave them at home while Matt and I slip away for an hour to eat together in peace.
Sounds about right for us!
What will you be doing to bring yourself joy this holiday?