New Year’s Reflection Process

The new year is nearly upon us! It feels like a good time to share my New Year’s reflection process for this year.
First of all, I like to start this process in November. I truly like to take my time. I do not want to feel rushed or pressured into a set of intentions that don’t resonate deeply with me.
Additionally, I like a longer runway because I find the process to be iterative. I start by thinking about the kind of year I had and then move into what kind of year I want to have. But by thinking into the future, it reminds me of things I forgot to review about the past year. Or, even before I have reviewed this year, I’ll have ideas for next year.
Another reason I like to take my time is that I like to start testing out any new habits I’m hoping to implement in the new year. The vast majority of New Year’s resolutions are not successful. I figure I improve my odds by getting a head start! It helps me create more momentum to hit January 1 with gusto. But it also enables me to toss out intentions that might sound good on paper but won’t actually stick or fit within my life.
This Year’s New Year’s Reflection Process
Without further ado, here’s the process I’m working through this year:
- Draw a one-page blank calendar and jot down key events that happened each month (populate from my calendar, month-by-month events, Instagram, and my journal).
- Read my narrative intentions for the year (that I set last year).
- Reflect on my purpose in life and my Top 5 values.
- Reflect on my Family Mission Statement.
- Complete a Wheel of Reflection.
- Reflect on what I want to be able to say about my life when I’m 80.
- Answer these questions: 1) Highlights & Accomplishments to Be Proud of 2) What Worked This Year? 3) What Didn’t Work Well This Year? 4) What Did I Learn This Year? 5) How Did My Life Evolve This Year? 6) Who Made a Difference in My Life This Year? 7) What Am I Most Grateful for This Year? 8) What Do I Want to Release This Year? 9) How Do I Want to Feel Next Year? 10) How Do I Want to Evolve Next Year? 11) What am I currently doing? What do I want to keep? What do I want to let go of? What do I want to add? 12) What Is My Theme for the Year and What Do I Want to Accomplish?
- Set personal goals for the upcoming year.
- Talk to my family and set family goals for the upcoming year.
- Break goals down into monthly goals.
I would say “that’s it!” but it’s quite a lot! It’s a process that works for me.
What will you be doing this year?
I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday season and your new year! I’ll be back on January 8th with a weekly Monday post.
Until then,