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    Hiring Help in the Kitchen

    When we found out about all of our food sensitivities a couple months back, I immediately posted on our neighborhood list-serv to see if anyone was interested in coming over on Sundays and helping me do meal prep for the week. I was thinking it would take 1-2 hours per week (depending on whether we worked together or they worked alone). 
    I was able to find the most amazing woman, but we weren’t able to make the first couple weekends work with her schedule, and then I fell into a groove on my own. 
    But then I went to my friend’s house and learned that she also hires someone to
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    My New Favorite Snack

    Stocking our pantry with gluten-free, vegan, and dairy-free treats is no easy feat. It helps that we found Larabar: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Here are the ingredients: cashews, dates, chocolate chips, sea salt. 
    It takes so indulgent! 
    I’m probably one of the last people to discover these bars (I really shouldn’t be a blogger–I’m not trendy at all!), but if there are any of you who haven’t discovered them yet, I highly recommend them! 
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    Reflection & Rejuvenation: May

    This is the time of year when I just hang on to my seat for dear life with regard to my job. 

    I’m realizing more and more than I have to maintain equilibrium in my life to 1) enjoy life 2) be a good mother and partner 3) be effective at my job. So I’m working really hard toward my goals for 2017 that relate to equilibrium:

    1. Run at least twice a week and do yoga at least once a week. I’m consistently running, even though I never want to…Yoga is still a struggle. 
    2. Eat in a balanced and healthy way. I’m doing much better! Salads for lunch! Smoothies for
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