Detoxing for a Couple Days
Last year, my overarching focus for the year was “Health & Wellness.” I started the year with a 21-day cleanse, which felt amazing. I did yoga and ran twice a week all the way until April.This year, I’ve been running twice a week (I haven’t picked up the yoga again yet). I’m feeling proud that we are almost through April and I’m still regularly running! But I’m also feeling like I want to kick up the healthy eating a notch.I’m going to do a couple days of this cleanse. It’s so simple and it doesn’t feel like a cleanse at all. It just feels like healthy eating.… Read More -
DIY: A Simple Curtain
With the new house going up next door, our days of basking in unadulterated natural light and unhindered views of trees are now gone!Our shower and our bedroom used to face an empty forest. Now they face a two-story house!I got tired of shlepping my bathroom stuff into the boys’ shower, so I eventually broke down and made a little privacy curtain. I am finally at a place where I can admit to myself that I don’t like sewing. I love the idea of being able to make things for myself that meet my needs exactly, but I do not enjoy the process. Luckily this one was pretty… Read More -
A New Hobby
Book stores hold a special place in my heart. I have fond memories of walking into a book store feeling lonely, a little at odds with the world, a little out of place–and walking out with a deep contentment and a renewed sense of excitement.Lately I’ve been craving a trip to the book store. I’m feeling like I need a new hobby. I want to pore over a non-fiction book, take notes, make plans, and make something happen. But I have trouble fitting trips to the book store into my life as a mother. In the evenings, after the boys have gone to bed, I don’t have the energy… Read More