MTHFR Genetic Testing
On our journey to help our oldest son strengthen his self-regulation and impulse control, we met with a psychiatrist so she could test him for a genetic mutation that makes it difficult for the body to process folic acid. The gene is called MTHFR. If there’s a mutation, the body’s production of key hormones (like serotonin and dopamine) can be affected and can lead to anxiety, depression, ADHD symptoms, etc.
She explained that Europe and Canada have been testing for this mutation for a lot longer than the U.S. (no surprise there), but that it was recently added to the list of genetic tests that get done at birth … Read More
Building an Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist World
We have so much work to do to build a world that values and appreciates everyone, regardless of their differences.On a day designated to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I want to also honor the countless other individuals who have demonstrated awe-inspiring courage and integrity to fight for a world where there is liberty, justice, and joy for all.A few ideas for all of us as we undertake this work together:- I love the Racing Race Conscious Children website. It includes amazing resources, such as a list of 100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Children to Advance Racial Justice.
- Walking
Food Sensitivity Update: Oy!
So, it looks like we’ve got quite a lot of food sensitivities around here. I took Henry (age 5) and Tate (age 3) to the Wellness Clinic at People’s Pharmacy to be tested. I wanted to test Henry because he has issues with self-regulation and calming, and I wanted to get Tate tested because he has eczema on his arms and face, and I didn’t want to start applying steroid cream like his pediatrician recommended.It turns out that the test revealed food sensitivities that might be connected to the issues they are having. Henry needs to eliminate eggs, gluten, peanuts, and pineapple. A sensitivity to gluten in particular is… Read More