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    How to Teach Cursive

    The Montessori method is a little peculiar in that it starts with cursive as opposed to print. Henry has been working on cursive for the past two years in PK3 and PK4. He’s never been particularly interested in a lot of fine motor activities, so his writing is coming along slowly. My hope is that he has a strong command of cursive writing by the start of 1st grade (but not at the expense of loving writing). 
    Here are the things we are doing to support the development of his writing:
    1. We asked his teacher for lined paper so we can encourage him to continually add to the list of
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    Monthly Self-Care

    I want to get in the habit of these self-care rituals monthly:

    1. Car wash
    2. Massage 
    3. Pedicure
    Obviously, these expenses can add up quickly. To keep costs down, I go with the most basic and inexpensive car wash, I get massages as a massage school (the cost is $40 flat), and I try to get inexpensive pedicures. 
    All of these things are indulgences, but they bring a lot of happiness into my life. At least I save money by rarely going to places like Starbucks, not buying alcohol, and not having cable! 
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    Energy Audit

    I’ve been feeling such a lack of energy lately! I hate this feeling, and I need to do some introspection to figure out what’s causing it and what I can do to regain some energy.

    1. Matt and I are inconsistent about turing the lights out at 10pm. We really need to do this! Getting adequate sleep is integral to having higher levels of energy. 
    2. I need to regularly take my multivitamins. As a vegetarian, I think I need the extra little boost of iron.
    3. I need to pick up the clutter around our house. I’m someone who is very impacted by my surroundings, and disorder leaves me feeling unsettled. 
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