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    How to Set Goals and Stick to Them

    If you can trust yourself to do what you say you want to do, a whole world of possibilities opens itself up to you. You can set big goals and trust yourself to accomplish them. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true! 

    If I can stick to my New Year’s Resolutions, I will feel so proud of myself at the end of the year, and I will feel more healthy. 

    I find that I am most successful when I take my goals and break them down into “where,” “when,” and “how.” If I can answer those specific details, then executing on my goals can become more automatic. If I
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    My New Year’s Resolutions

    The New Year is upon us. I love this time of year. As much as I love getting cozy and creative for Christmas, I am always eager to clear out the tree, take down the holiday decorations and have an uncluttered space both physically and emotionally. I love dwelling in possibility, planning, and being intentional about the kind of year I want to have. 

    (Side note: I often think about how unpredictable and fragile life is, how everything could change in an instant and my life could be completely derailed, but I tap into the fear and the worry to find the energy to face forward and live the life
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    Our 2015 Holiday Card

    I haven’t sent holiday cards in many years. When I used to send them, I would write personal messages on every one. Once I had children, I no longer had the time, energy, or interest in writing out a hundred personal messages. So I opted for writing a personal letter instead. I hope it doesn’t feel too generic or impersonal. It’s the best I could do!

    I worked with this designer to create them. She was great to work with!

    In terms of how we’re displaying the cards we receive this year, I strung some twine from one end of our window to the other. We use little clothespins to
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