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    Big Adventures

    Matt was out of town this past weekend, and I decided that the boys and I needed to have a big adventure in order to make the time pass quickly. On a whim, I texted one of my friends in Dallas to see if we could come for a visit. She was game! So Saturday morning, we made bread for our school’s potluck, hung out at the school for a little over an hour, and then hit the road for Dallas. We arrived around 4pm. 
    Matt and I tend to be homebodies, so trekking to a distant city to stay with friends isn’t something we normally do. But it was
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  • Montessori

    Montessori Bread Recipe: Easy and Delicious!

    I wanted to share my favorite Montessori Bread Recipe! I remember reading an article one time that was written by a mother who was committed to teaching her teenage son how to cook and do laundry before he went off to college. While I wholeheartedly agree that young adults should be prepared to take care of themselves, I believe that teaching independence, self care, and care of others should start much, much younger. In the Montessori tradition, these “Practice Life” activities start around 18 months of age.   

    Children learn so much from engaging in Practical Life activities. They build their focus and concentration, strengthen their fine- and gross-motor skills, learn … Read More

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    How to Self-Publish a Book

    I am a sucker for dreaming big and dwelling in possibility. Our lives are so short! I have pushed myself to dream big (and be plenty scared and insecure) many times while taking a year-long sabbatical to travel by myself, planning a $2,000 wedding when everyone thought it was tacky, publishing a book about our tacky wedding, self-publishing another book with some awesome gals, building a house, starting a school.   
    So when I got an e-mail from one of my internet friends with an opportunity to interview another woman who dreams big, I jumped at the chance. 
    Everyone, meet Gena! Gena had the audacity to publish
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